

We believe that our school uniform creates a sense of identity and pride in our school, it promotes a feeling of community and belonging. 

All of our uniform can be purchased from multiple highstreet retailers.

We are keen for our uniform to be consistant and smart, but most importantly, practical and affordable. Embroidered school badges are available, please contact school if you require one. We understand the complex needs of all our young people at Hebden and work closely with families.  We understand that, due to the complex physical and sensory needs of our pupils, it may not always be possible for our young people to wear uniform.

Our school uniform is: 

A pale blue polo shirt

Pale Blue Polo.jpg

A dark blue cardigan, sweater, hooded sweater or fleece

Dark Blue Cardigan.jpg

Dark grey or black trousers, shorts,skirts or leggings or jogging bottoms

Darke grey or black trousers.jpg

Optional - Pupils are able to wear gingham dresses in the summer

summer dress.jpg

Additional information 

  • Shoes must be practical and comfortable.
  • For PE pupils may be asked to bring a kit in. PE kits must be practical, comfortable and allow for movement.
  • For swimming pupils will be asked to bring a kit in. All swimwear must be practical and allow for a range of movement in the pool. 
  • All uniform must be clearly labelled with your child's name.


Hebden Green Uniform Swap Shop

We are aware that as our pupils get older they can quickly grow out of uniform and need bigger sizes.  We also understand that many of our families live some distance from us. We have a 'virtual swap shop' onsite which you can access to:

  • Support you in donating any good condition uniform your child no longer needs
  • Work with you to see if we have any uniform in the right size for your child

Please contact us on admin@hebdengreen.cheshire.sch.uk or on 01606 594221 if you would like to utilise the swap shop

Parents and carers can also access second hand uniform from the Green Uniform bank in Winsford.



Hebden Green School, Woodford Lane West, Winsford, Cheshire, CW7 4EJ

Tel: 01606 594221 | admin@hebdengreen.cheshire.sch.uk