Family Support


Hebden Green has a strong system of family support.  Families are central to the work at Hebden Green and its essential that everyone involved with our pupils is supported.  For further information in ways we can support you, see below


Pastoral Support

There is a strong system of pastoral support across the school.  Every pupil has a teacher and support staff they work with.  Parents and carers are able to communicate using email, phone or via the communication book with any queries or questions.  Our Leadership team also liaise directly with parents and carers where there are wider needs and questions.


School Based Family Support 

Hebden Green can also support families via our PBS team who are able to help families with:

-general wellbeing support;

-questions around referrals for social care support;

-referrals for finanacial or other economical support;

-contact information for foodbanks or other, similar services.


Parent and Carer Voice and Support

Parent and Carer voice is essential to improving the services for our children and young people.  Over the course of the year parents and carers are asked to share their views, thoughts, concerns or needs through:

-formal questionnaires

-targeted surveys

-Annual reviews

-Pupil Progress meetings

-Coffee Mornings and other events

-informal meetings and conversations

-through active participation in the school Governing Board




Hebden Green School, Woodford Lane West, Winsford, Cheshire, CW7 4EJ

Tel: 01606 594221 |